
Common Problems When Tackling Landscape Design on Your Own

Landscape Design

It’s only natural for us to consider the DIY route for any job we undertake around our properties. After all, if we can save money, why wouldn’t we try? The problem is that not all jobs will go off without a hitch, including what might seem simple, like landscape design.

Industry experts Intreeg Landscapes say if you’ve been thinking about starting a DIY landscaping project, consider whether you have the necessary expertise to handle the task. Otherwise, you may face some of the problems below.

Planting in the Wrong Place

You might know where you want your plants to go, but that doesn’t mean where you’re planting them is where they are going to thrive. You might have purchased a sun-loving shrub but then grew it in a shady area that sees no sun.

One way to waste a significant amount of time and money is failing to do your homework on plants. Each plant type has its own unique needs, and your backyard may not always be able to fulfil them.

Not Considering Your Lifestyle

Surprisingly, your lifestyle should feature heavily in your landscape design before you get started. Think about what you will be using the space for and how much time you have to dedicate to its maintenance.

For example, you might like a garden full of exotic plant varieties, but do you have the time to dedicate to pruning, mulching, weeding, and general care? Sometimes, limestone blocks and grasses are a better option, even if you had your heart set on something more elegant.

Answers To The 7 Most Asked Questions About Millboard Decking

Answers To The 7 Most Asked Questions About Millboard Decking

Most people are aware of or have heard of wooden decking, but what many are not so familiar with, are the modern alternatives such as composite decking and millboard decking. In particular, millboard decking seems to be one which few are particularly knowledgeable about.

This is a great shame because when compared to all other decking options, and especially when compared to wood decking, millboard decking has many advantages over them. Just in case you are reading this, and you too are not as familiar with millboard decking as you would like, Decking Sydney are going to answer some of the most asked questions about it.

Where Can Millboard Decking Be Used?

One of the great benefits of millboard decking is its versatility. This means not only can be used to enhance just about any kind of property, but the ways in which it can be used are varied too. Whether you want to make a small bench, planters for flowers, or a walkway around your pool, millboard decking is suitable for them all, plus a whole lot more.

Does Millboard Decking Require Sealing?

This often gets asked as wood decking will need sealing in order to protect it. However, you need not go to any trouble to seal millboard decking, as it will have been sealed properly at the factory as part of the manufacturing process. Not only does this mean less effort during installation, but your costs are reduced too.

Landscape Design On A Budget

Landscape Design

Everyone adores an aesthetically pleasing garden where they can relax or spend time with their family and friends. Still, the thought of renovating a backyard or garden often comes with a worry that the new landscape design will be expensive. It is often enough to stop people turning their drab yard or garden into a thing of beauty, but it shouldn’t as we are about to explain

Let us say from the outset, landscapers can be affordable, and you can build a perfectly wonderful landscape design if you plan and execute the project appropriately. We have compiled some essential tips that will help to give your outdoor space a completely brand-new look, and it should not cost the earth. (As gardening puns go, it was either that or ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’ 😊)

The key to saving money on any landscape design project is to plan it efficiently. Have an in-depth look at your current outdoor space and identify the areas you want to change. It is recommended you make a list and plan your new design focused on rebuilding these areas. Plan your design with your budget in mind and try to ensure the design uses as many ways to save money as possible.

Be creative with your landscape design, and do not always try to replace things. If something can be utilised again with a little amount of repair work, or customisation, don’t hesitate to do it. This way you will save money and be creating less waste.

5 Hardiest Pot Plants

Pot Plants

Not everyone is born wearing garden gloves. Sometimes, gardening is a learned skill, not one that comes naturally or for which you immediately have passion. If you believe there’s a fair chance that you’ll forget about your garden pots full of plants, then you’ll need to choose pot plants that will handle neglect. Here are a few such options below.


If you’re quite forgetful when it comes to plants, then perennials may be an excellent option for you. Once you plant them, you can almost leave them to their own devices to flourish and thrive. Perennials such as garvinea, gerbera, and jade will also look stunning as they bloom, even if it’s not your effort that got them to that point.

Perennials will also live for around three to five years but will spend a lot of this time in and out of growth. If you don’t require the prettiest plants in your garden pots year-round, add these to your shopping list.


Australian weather conditions can be quite harsh, with intense heat seeing only the most robust plants survive. Succulents will be one of them. These robust and beautiful little plants will look striking in your garden pots, but will also thrive on neglect. Ignore them, treat them poorly, and they will repay you by looking vibrant and colourful.

Best Easy-Care Landscaping Plants

Landscaping Plants

Many people dream of landscaping their section to perfection but don’t want all the hard work that goes with it. While you could get a landscaper or gardener to take care of the arduous gardening tasks, it’s better if you can work with plants that don’t need you – the ones you can plant and forget.

If you want to keep your weekend for fun things rather than getting your hands dirty, then read on. Below, we cover a range of plants to talk to your landscaper about, to keep you out of the garden for longer.


If you wouldn’t mind planting borders or green walls, then liriope is well worth considering for a low maintenance landscaping project. This beautiful plant is versatile, affordable, and you can buy it in a range of colours. If you want more at a later date, you can take a cutting from your original and watch as it blossoms. Liriope requires no maintenance, prefers sun and shade, and will adapt to wherever in your yard you place it.


Succulents are the epitome of a plant you can “set and forget”. They don’t need you to water them, offer them nutrients, or care for them in any way. Instead, you can use them as ground cover, feature plants, and in green walls. Once you plant them, they only need sandy, free-draining soil and decent sun exposure. Their beautiful display of colours will lift your landscaping appeal without you having to lift a finger.

5 Best Drought-Resistant Plants for Landscaping

Drought-Resistant Plants

Australia is one of the driest places in the world, with some regions in South Australia only enjoying as much as 159mm of rainfall annually. If you happen to live in a typically arid region, then you’ll find landscaping to be a bit of a challenge and require the help of Landscapers. After all, what plants are going to thrive when it’s hot and dry?

Believe it or not, you don’t have to have sand and stones and no greenery. Some plants thrive in droughts and dry conditions that can form part of your outdoor paradise. Here are a few must-have plants for drought-ridden parts of Australia.


Agave might not be the most vibrant garden plant, but for landscaping in areas with minimal rainfall, it ticks all the boxes. Agave has thick green foliage and roots that dig deep into the soil layers. These roots manage to scope out available water when you didn’t think there was any. The leaves are also sharp, but the plant is unusual, low care, and requires minimal to no watering, which is why it is recommended by many landscapers.

Fraser Island Apple

Even though you have to offer this plant plenty of care as it reaches maturity, once it does, it no longer needs you. Fraser Island Apple is an evergreen tree that’s ideal for dry gardens. It prefers coastal conditions, loves free-draining soil, and will attract bees and butterflies to your landscaping. It’s a beautiful, low maintenance tree that grows clusters of cream flowers.

Creating a New Lawn – Rollon Turf

Lawned Turf

If you think your lawn could do with a bit of a facelift, or if you just want to add a bit more grassed space to your yard, or you have just built a new home and you want an immediate lawn solution, then roll on turf is the perfect solution. Yes, you can sow some grass seed and get pretty much the same result, but growing grass takes ages, albeit costing a lot less. Instant gratification calls for instant lawn.


If you have an existing lawn, that’s obviously going to need removing. If you are putting down roll on turf for the first time in the new house, then you can skip this step.

You can remove old lawn a couple of ways and it will depend on your fitness level and the size of the old lawn area. Using a spade to remove the old lawn is a job for a few mates and a BBQ afterwards. It’s a lot easier and twice as much fun if you hire a turf cutter which removes the grass and roots quickly. Cleaning up is easier as well because the cutter rips up the old grass in chunks, or strips, which can then be rolled up and removed.

Different Types of Vegetable Garden Fencing

Vegetable Garden Fencing

Not all blocks of ground are large enough to offer a patch of ground for a vegetable garden as well as catering for a decorative one. But where there is plenty of room – or at least enough room – having a vegetable garden can offer many advantages. But fencing contractors would advise that fencing for a vegetable garden is quite different to that needed for a boundary fence.

Much depends on the location of your block, but even in the suburbs you can be pestered by wild rabbits or even pets that have escaped.  Just one night of munching can destroy all your hard work in the garden.  In addition, cats, kids and dogs are likely to run and dig through the garden, turning all your efforts and hopes of succulent and nutritious vegetables into nightmares.

So if you plan on growing your own veggies, first take stock of what you need to protect them. If there are rabbits nearby you can be sure they’ll find your garden sooner rather than later. The fence to keep rabbits out needs to be anchored quite deep into the ground, because rabbits dig deep naturally. You’ll need wire mesh at the very least to deal with these pests.

However, often it is the neighbourhood cats that ruin the garden as they love to turn it into an amenities block especially for them to use. It is really horrible to accidentally dig up their leavings, when you thought it was going to be a new potato or carrot.  Cats can jump really high, even over a six foot high steel panel fence.  If the problem is serious and you are intent on solving it, you may need a high fence with razor wire along the top.

Tips for Edible Landscaping

Edible Landscaping

Edible landscaping can be designed and planned by professional landscaping companies like Landscaping Sydney and is one of the best ways to be sustainable, providing food for family and even friends, if you grow enough. And often, it is a feast or famine, when it comes to growing certain types of vegetables. Cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes and many other delicious garden vegetables produce lots per plant. Just remember to grow what you like most and you’ll never feel your hard work has been in vain.

An edible landscape can be as simple as growing a fruit tree. Pick your favourite fruit, but make sure it suits your climate.  Citrus trees are popular because they have two harvests per year instead of the one found with other fruits such as apples. Plus, lemons and oranges can be used in any number of delicious ways.

Landscape Services

Landscape Services

The tasks of Landscape Architects can take into account many factors. A landscaping job can be a DIY project or you can bring in the professionals such as a landscape architect. Prime consideration should be given to the time and money factors so a budget is of paramount importance. Other factors to consider are the climate, the soil and the regulations.

Planning is what design is all about. You can use computer software, maps, diagrams, drawings, and photographs. Once you have an idea of what it is you want to achieve, the big picture, then you can make a list of materials required, the desired and suitable plants and the tools you will need.


Issues with irrigation and drainage need to be addressed. You may need a professional landscaping contractor to install an irrigation system. The layout of pipes, sprinklers and timer connected to an electrical system should be part of the overall landscaping plan.

If the landscape plan includes a swimming pool, waterfalls, fountains or a fish pond, then it might be a good idea to be calling in the expert landscaping service to put all this together.

Tips for Painting a Wrought Iron Fence

Wrought Iron Fence

Wrought iron makes a beautiful fence, but like most other types of fencing it will eventually need repainting to keep it in good condition. Most professional fencing contractors will tell you that such a job is usually left for far too long, making the necessary preparation more difficult. But it must be done properly or the paint will simply flake off and the fence will look worse than ever.

Here are some tips for repainting wrought iron.

  • As with any kind of steel, the rust must be removed before it is painted. Cordless tools can make this a great deal easier, but if there’s only a tiny bit of rust you can remove it with a wire brush.
  • The whole fence will need to be sanded down with medium grit sandpaper to remove chipped or peeling paint and ensure there is a good surface for the new paint to adhere to.
  • Wipe all the dust and loose debris off the fence with a soft rag.

Landscape Design for Beginners

Landscape Design

According to landscape designers, back in the days, landscape design used to be done by drawing a detailed sketch indicating the specific location of each and every shrub, tree, flower bed, and what have you. Today, many would agree that there exists no such hard and fast rule with anyone buying plants to take home spontaneously doing landscape design.

However, this doesn’t mean that anything goes when it comes to landscape design. This can be borne out from negative consequences arising from the lack of coherent design and poorly placed plants, which may end up requiring frequent pruning, expensive pest control, and even expensive removals before they reach the end of their life spans.

Here are a few important tips on landscape design that can help beginners create lawns that standout while avoiding future problems.

Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Your Sail Looking Good

Shade Sails

Adding a shade sail to your property can enhance your lifestyle and reduce the running costs of your home if it throws shade on the walls or roof.  Most shade sails from companies like Shade Sails Perth are made from high density polyethylene knit because it has good stretching quality and is the best cloth to withstand harsher conditions. There is also polyvinylchloride material which can also be good for climates where there is less wind or storm activity. No matter what your sail is made from here’s how to keep it looking good.


  • Do take it down and wash it from time to time if it looks grubby or stained
  • Do use a mild detergent with no acidic chemicals in it
  • Do use a very soft bristle brush to clean it
  • Do examine it for wear and tear and replace it when necessary
  • Do inspect the poles and fittings to ensure they are still strong
  • Do take the sail down if bad storms are imminent
  • Do hose off bird droppings as soon as possible