One of the questions a professional carpet cleaner will almost invariably be asked after they have completed a carpet cleaning job in someone’s home is, “What should I do next?”. That question is usually asked concerning two time periods: the immediate hours to follow and the time between this carpet cleaning and the next.
After the professional carpet cleaning has been completed, the question will be about when the carpet is safe to walk on and how long it might take to dry. As for further ahead, the questions relate more to how a homeowner can keep their carpets as clean as possible in the interim between professional cleans.
To save you from waiting until the next time your carpet cleaner visits to get the answers to the questions above, we will give you a shortcut by providing you with seven tips that expert carpet cleaners would ordinarily give their clients. We hope they help you in your quest for cleaner carpets.
Tip #1 – Speed Up The Drying Process: One of the first pieces of advice professional carpet cleaners give their clients after a carpet has been shampooed is to dry it as quickly as possible. Warm air, fans, and open windows can help speed up the drying process, allowing you to use the room again sooner.
Tip #2 – Do Not Walk On Your Carpets Immediately: This is especially true if the carpets are still moist. If anyone walks on a wet carpet, any dirt on their footwear will more readily transfer to the mat than if it is dry. Also, walking on a damp carpet can cause the fibres to flatten where you tread, and it might be slippery underfoot.
Tip #3 – Do Not Move Your Furniture Back Immediately: For many of the same reasons we have just mentioned, it is not a good idea to immediately move furniture back into a room until you are sure it is thoroughly dried out. When damp, if the carpet has a table on it, the pile can flatten, and the trapped moisture under the feet of furniture can attract mildew.
Tip #4 – Make Everyone Remove Their Outdoor Footwear As They Enter The House: If expert carpet cleaners had their way, they would make this compulsory in every house with carpets. More dirt and unwanted nasties are brought into homes and onto carpets from outside on the footwear of those who live there than anything else. So, if you want to keep your carpet cleaner for longer, make a rule that shoes etc., get taken off at the door.
Tip #5 – Apply A Carpet Protection Spray: Prevention is always better than the remedy, which is why, after professional carpet cleaning, taking steps to prevent stains from happening is always a wise move. One of those steps which can help limit colours and the damage they do is spraying your carpet with a stain protector, which will coat the fibres with a protective coating making it easier to remove spillages and the like.
Tip #6 – Stick To A Regular Vacuuming Regime: This is probably one of the most straightforward and apparent carpet cleaning tips, but rest assured, it is also one of the most effective. Regular vacuuming, daily if you can, can not only prolong the carpet’s lifetime considerably, but it also removes countless undesirables that can dirty a carpet and make it a health hazard due to pests, mites, dust, etc., pollen, and other nasties, taking up residence in it.
Tip #7 – Try To Eliminate As Many Stain Risks As Possible: This final tip is another preventative one: try and avoid items and actions that are more likely to cause staining. Examples include not allowing eating in rooms with carpets prone to staining, not letting your pets sleep in those rooms, and keeping substances like make-up, ink, paint, and glue away from carpeted areas if possible.